Working for the Taxpayers

Hear Chairman Ed Naile testifying before the NH Legislature on how towns can cut the budget in hard times. It is very important to attend your town and school meetings as this is where most of the money is raised and spent. This is just one of the ways our taxpayer...

Moultonborough Officials Get Cease and Desist Orders From AG

In a letter to the editor in today’s (July 17, 2010) Laconia Daily Sun, it was reported that two Moultonborough public officials were given Cease and Desist orders over an SB-2 flyer that was sent out by a “mysterious committee”. In his letter, Rick...

Why You Should Vote NO to Taxpayer Funded Non-Profits

Many towns and cities give taxpayer funds to non-profit groups who are not subject to our right to know laws. Rep. Rick Watrous of Concord attempted to get a bill passed (HB 1356) that would require groups that take substantial funds from public monies to open up...

Up to its Butt in Debt, Antrim Makes a Choice

by Ed Naile “Dexter Humphrey wiped his hands with his handkerchief. He picked up his copy of the warrant and read the twenty first item again. After he had read his regular question, he put the matter to a vote at once, and for the first time in history, the Town of...

Plagiarism is The Sincerest Form of Flattery

by Ed Naile Plagiarize (Webster’s) transitive verb : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own : use (another’s production) without crediting the source intransitive verb : to commit literary theft : present as new and...

Town Meeting 2010 Results

The first of the results are coming in…and this post will be updated as more victories are forthcoming. We list money items that failed, fiscal conservatives who were (re)elected and note where attempts to repeal SB2 have failed. Although we take no position on...