Merrimack Deliberative Session March 2

by Steve MacDonald Not long ago the Merrimack School board made an unprecedented move. In the shrinking shadow of declining enrollment, they decided to cut staff. That’s right teachers. But in the intervening weeks since the plan was submitted there has been a change...

Grant vs Barrington Used in Hampstead

When a NH Supreme Court Judge decided in Grant vs. Barrington that voters could amend warrant articles from their original intent down to the mere words “To see…” his ruling provided that stripping these citizen-petitioned articles of any and all...

Monadnock Taxpayers Victorious at Deliberative Session

Taxpaying public soundly defeats the adding of hundreds of thousands of dollars to the budget Karen Cota, a former school board member from Roxbury tried to amend the proposed budget so that it was higher than the default budget by a few hundred thousand dollars....

Timberlane Deliberative Session February 4

Deliberative session for the Timberlane School District will be held on Thursday, February 4 (Includes towns of Atkinson, Danville, Plaistown and Sandown) See Danville Delivery for more info.

Goffstown Deliberative Sessions February 1 and 3

The Goffstown School Deliberative session is Monday evening, February 1 at 7:00 PM at the Craig Hieber Auditorium, Goffstown High School. The town deliberative session is Wednesday the 3rd. It is IMPERATIVE that Goffstown residents attend this crucial meeting. There,...