Bedford’s Bloated School Budget

A few years back, Bedford NH built its own high school and then promptly turned control of the curriculum over to the United Nations, at a cost. In addition to the objectionable nature of that situation, the cost of the whole system is nearly $67M and while it employs...

Atkinson’s Moderator Polito Resigns

by Ed Naile BING! Round Two: Polito Can’t Respond To The Bell – TKO Last January I was asked to help our guys in Atkinson navigate their dysfunctional deliberative session by sitting in on the action with them. Remember the Moderator, Frank Polito, the guy...

Warrant Article Signatures (HB 1142)

UPDATE: This bill will be up for more discussion by this Committee on January 26, 2010 at 11:30 AM in LOB Room 301. Call or write the Committee to ask them to KILL THIS BILL. On January 6, 2010, the House Municipal and County Government Committee was to begin hearing...

Why HB 1142 is Bad for Towns

Last year most conservation land purchases were voted down, and that’s a good thing. Most of these purchases were going to allow the land to be handed directly over to private entities… after being paid for with taxpayer dollars. In Raymond, the ConComm...

Whose Side Are You On? (HB 1142)

by Steve MacDonald One of the symptoms of a legislator who has lost touch with their role in government is when they sponsor or vote for legislation that dilutes voter power or their ability influence the process. HB 1142 deigns to do exactly that. Peter Bergin and...

Jim Forsythe on the LLC Tax

Jim Forsythe spoke to Brian Tilton of WTPL 107.7 FM at the LLC tax hearing on December 16, 2009. Listen: Visit: NHRLC and RLCNH