The Moultonborough Citizens Alliance tells us that voters there are being subjected to a “telephone misinformation campaign” concerning the upcoming election where they will be asked to approve or disapprove of SB2. SB2 is a procedure by which the...
About a year ago, residents of Bedford fought off a leftist “share-the-wealth” land grab by “neighborworks” which, instead of rehabbing blighted areas as per their federally funded mandate, was trying to build new low-income housing directly...
Atty David Connell from the Local Government Center (former NH Municipal Association) was at the a forum recently held in Meredith, NH on 3/3/2009. The paragraph below is an excerpt of the article printed in the Laconia Daily Sun on 3/4/2009, page 8, about the...
Jorge Mesa-Tejada appeared on “Meet the New Press” with Skip Murphy and Doug Lambert this past Saturday, February 28, 2009. Along with Chan Eddy, they discuss the ins and outs of SB2. Jorge Mesa-Tejada, with Skip and Doug from “Meet the New...
The NH Right to Know Law (RSA 91-A) is clear: Attendees have the explicit RIGHT to audiotape, videotape, or photograph ANY public meeting, including the attendees and officials, without exception. The MERE ACT of exercising this “right to record” CANNOT be...
The Moultonboro Citizens Alliance (MCA) will hold an important “must attend” meeting at the Town Hall on Tuesday, February 10th, at 7:00 PM. The Moultonboro Citizens Alliance (MCA) will be giving a Powerpoint presentation of the SB2 voting initiative that...