Importance of attending town and school meetings

January 15, 2009 Union Leader Taxes and Spending: Who has the money? It is public budget time in New Hampshire, and the grand question for aldermen, selectmen, council members, commissioners and legislators is whether to raise taxes or cut spending. And that raises...

Open Letter to Rep. Betsey Patten (R) Moltonborough

This is an open letter to Rep. Betsey Patten. I have just learned of a bill (HB-0072) that you authored requiring an increase by 1000% the number of voters at a town meeting needed to request a private vote on any particular article, making it virtually impossible for...

Having Your Say at Town Meeting is Under Attack (HB 71)

HB 71 would change the requirement of holding a public hearing for any proposed municipal bond or note in the amount of $100,00 or more to $1,000,000 or more. Read the full text of the bill here: HB 71 This bill failed on a voice vote on February 12,...

SB2 Town Meetings Under Attack (HB 114)

HB 114 would no longer allow changes to warrant articles in the deliberative session in SB2 situations. Read the full text of the bill here: HB 114 This bill was defeated with a voice vote on February 4, 2009.

Town Meetings and SB2 Secret Ballot

It boils down to this: If you own property in New Hampshire, you can’t afford to ignore Town Meeting season. The thousands of dollars charged on your tax bill don’t appear out of nowhere. They’re based on decisions made by residents. In most New...

“Workforce” housing law – what right?

January 4, 2009 Nashua Telegraph With the state’s new work-force housing law taking effect in July, some towns are pushing ahead to meet the new requirements. But some towns just won’t have it all figured out. The law says towns must provide the opportunity for...