Three Things to Watch for at Town Meetings

by Jane Aitken (Originally published at NH Insider) Once again it is that time of year when NH residents will attend town meetings, school meetings, and deliberative sessions to decide how their tax dollars will be spent. They will make decisions about the education...

Hampton vs Deland – Whither the Media?

by Ed Naile Would you ever want to live in a state where selectmen can drag you into court for doing something that is within your rights, such as passing a petitioned warrant article? A week ago Monday this writer was in Rockingham Superior Court helping one Tammy...

RSA 91-A *IS* the Right To Know

By Ed Naile Last week I was called by one of our members J.J.Valera of Windsor about some issues in his town. One that hit the papers March 7 was the story about an independent film crew who wanted to film the Windsor Town Meeting on March 14. J.J was told in rather...

Weare Police Chief Investigation Gets Serious

by Ed Naile We are going through the motions in Weare. Here is how the process is proceeding in the “Police Chief Miles Rigney Intimidates Voters” saga. As you know, Chief Rigney, while waving above his head a fist full of papers and crowing at a public...

Weare Police Election

by Ed Naile Last night I went to the Weare deliberative session at the request of Representative Gary Hopper to help explain the Petitioned Warrant article his wife submitted to the Selectmen for placement in the Warrant for the annual town meeting. I would be allowed...