We would like to commend the town of Sutton NH for their excellent and informative website. You can also get on their mailing list to keep up with meetings, warrants, and when to vote. We wish every town did this. We assume their town meeting for 2018 will be held on...
The Town of Raymond will hold its deliberative session on Saturday, February 3 at 10:00 AM at the Raymond High School. Savvy taxpayers know that “local” is where it’s at, to preserve not only your freedoms but your hard earned dollars. If you live in...
NH has a long-time tradition of late-winter, early-springtime ‘town meetings’ at which spending is decided and local laws are adopted or repealed via warrant articles that are placed on the ballot. On Page 15 of this document the State of NH has provided...
Many people who live in NH still do not understand the importance of attending town meetings. Town meetings/deliberative sessions and votes in SB2 towns are where the BULK of your taxes are raised and money is spent. Starting in January, towns will commence their...
Piermont’s Not-So-Competitive Bidding Process Introduction from Part 1: If you still don’t understand that your own NH town is a good place to start draining the swamp, please read on… Piermont is a small town in Grafton County, New Hampshire. When we say small, we...
What Happens When a Selectwoman Challenges the Town of Piermont? – Part 4 Lawsuit Forced If you still don’t understand that your own NH town is a good place to start draining the swamp, please read on… Piermont is a small town in Grafton County, New Hampshire. When we...