What Happens When a Selectwoman Challenges the Town of Piermont? – Part 3 Defamation of a Selectwoman to Hide Right to Know Violations. Introduction from Part 1: If you still don’t understand that your own NH town is a good place to start draining the swamp, please...
Cancelling Duly Posted Meetings or Elections If weather conditions look like they could be dangerous to voters at an annual Town, Village District, or School Meeting, the Moderator can postpone the meeting – but not a date set for an election of officers by ballot....
What Happens When a Selectwoman Challenges the Town of Piermont? Part 2 If you still don’t understand that your own NH town is a good place to start draining the swamp, please read Part 1. Piermont is a small town in Grafton County, New Hampshire. When we say...
What Happens When a Selectwoman Challenges the Town of Piermont? – Part 1 If you still don’t understand that your own NH town is a good place to start draining the swamp, please read on… Piermont is a small town in Grafton County, New Hampshire. When...
The Raymond Police Department (RPD) wishes to have a new approximately $7M facility built on town property, adjacent to the current PD/FD. But, does the amount of crime currently justify it? Note: Last night’s meeting was canceled due to inclement weather, and...
There is a effort underway to rescind SB2 in Lee. “In 2012, Lee residents overwhelmingly rejected an effort to overturn SB2: 371 voting Yes to rescind to 602 voting No. Those who are once again trying to send the town of Lee back into the dark ages when only a...