Tipping Point in Texas

by Ed Naile There is a story about voter fraud in Texas that is interesting when you compare it with New Hampshire’s problem of zero effective enforcement of our election laws – unless the perpetrator is some hapless Republican. A Mexican citizen living in the US...

Keene Democrat Rep. Wants Easy Out-of-State Registration

by Ed Naile Keene State Rep. has proposed legislative scheme to let out-of-state student voters register on line. Why not set it up for the Australians who were here working on Bernie Sander’s campaign access as well? “State Rep. William A. Pearson, D-Keene, is...

Great Laugh at Democrat Folly

by Ed Naile NH Democrats, long advocates for hiding election materials from the public, just received a dose of reality from the NH State Supreme Court! “CONCORD — The state Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that the Secretary of State does not have provide a...

Rigged! 1.5 million illegal voters uncovered… WHERE!?

More fallout and news from the lawsuit the Voter Integrity Project California and Judicial Watch won recently. This is a group CNHT shares information with. The suit in California will open doors for a suit here in NH. Rockingham County, NH has more registered voters...

Georgia/Florida Resident Indicted for Illegal Voting in Hooksett, NH

by Ed Naile Our old pal from November 8, 2016, Michael LaSean Lewis, was indicted by a Merrimack County grand jury this month for a lack of a lawful NH domicile in our state when he showed up and voted, same-day style, in Hooksett during the 2016 General Election....

Michael L. Lewis Indicted for Voter Fraud

Update: Michael L. Lewis is actually registered to vote in Georgia. Here is his voter registration card. On December 17, 2018 the NH Department of Justice has indicted Michael L. Lewis for Wrongful Voting in the November 2016 General Election: “Concord, NH –...