Guare, the No-Win Case

Take a look at some of the more interesting parts of the 2014 Guare v. NH case that was meant to codify out-of-state, unqualified voter’s participation in New Hampshire elections. You can see how this case, in my opinion, was never meant to be won by “our side.” My...

Poll Tax Facts

by Ed Naile After decades of accepting non-citizens votes as equal to a qualified citizen’s vote, the New Hampshire State Supreme Court has acknowledged in its recent opinion that one must be domiciled in New Hampshire to vote here. This means that being domiciled in...

NH Supremes Almost Put an End to Illegal Voting

by Ed Naile I see two of the New Hampshire State Supreme Court have almost put an end to our policy of letting out-of-state, unqualified voters determine our Federal elections. The two others, Gary Hicks and Jimmy Bassett, should be removed from office for lack of...

Governor Sununu Gets Punked by Boy in a “Man Bun”

New voter rights for “Super-enfranchised” student voters activist, Ben Kremer, DOB 02/02/1997 of 15 Goulart Drive in Bozrah, Connecticut 06334-1114 played our New Hampshire Governor like a one string banjo in this You Tube video: Direct link:...

The Next Logical Step From Voter Fraud

by Ed Naile New Hampshire’s policy of violating of State Constitution by letting non-residents vote here has just expanded to…now non-citizens can sit as jurors in Federal cases. This is just what Judge Barbadaro concluded in this recent case: United States of America...