Another Voter Fraud Investigation by the AG

by Ed Naile Another voter fraud investigation by the NH AG’s Office and another laughable conclusion. This same Anne Edwards of the AG’s Office was part of the 2001 investigation of out-of-state college students who voted in NH, and within days, unregistered and who...

CNHT Responds to Claims of No Fraud

WMUR reports: Exhaustive Investigation Reveals Little Evidence of Possible Voter Fraud in NH Real simple. This current, fake, NH AG voter fraud investigation another last-ditch effort to cover-up the thousands of out of state voters swaying NH General Elections and...

The Definition of Domicile

by Ed Naile The definition of DOMICILE is found in New Hampshire’s venerable Part I Article #II section of our State Constitution, regarding the right to vote being a privilege reserved for legal residents is a fact backed up on this site by at least a hundred cited...

NH Supreme Court on HB 1264

This is a commentary on an item for the Executive Council regarding HB 1264 voting issue… It appears we are trying to avoid the plain language of our State Constitution – why not ask what we are using to define the word domicile? [Art.] 11. [Elections and...

The Old “Driver’s License” Scam

by Ed Naile Some Voters Have More Rights Than Others – Who Live In New Hampshire The old “loophole” argument is back at it again when it comes to voter fraud in NH. The “powers that be” who will not prosecute out-of-state voters, have determined there is no law...