Ed Naile Attends Voter Rights Panel in NC

As we write this Chairman Ed Naile is attending a voter rights panel in North Carolina. We will post an update to this event later this evening or tomorrow.

California Has More Voters Than Eligible

We have heard many stories like this, and know there are many more: – A story was featured on the news about a woman voter in Florida who is not a citizen but thought she could vote and has done so for 20 years. This happens everywhere, — and here is proof that...

Attracting Millennials Does Not Include Allowing Illegal Voting!

Behold the stupidity: “During its meeting this week in Concord, the Millennial Advisory Council should take a look at how the NH House Election Law Committee is once again considering putting up a “Young People Keep Out” sign on our border through HB 1264, which...

CNHT to Attend Voter Rights Panel in NC

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights will hold a public briefing as part of its ongoing assessment of federal enforcement of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). This will take place on Friday, February 2, 2018 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM EST at the Marriott Crabtree Raleigh Durham,...

Regarding SB3

We understand and support the efforts of members of the NH Legislature to try and stop the thousands of out-of-state voters who tip elections in our state. CNHT has been working to identify non-resident voters and all forms of election law violations since 2000. We...

House Hearing on HB 1520 on Access to Ballots

N.H. House Hearing on HB 1520 on Access to Ballots on January 23 at 10:00 House Bill 1520 to provide access to ballots under the Right-to-Know Law has been introduced in the N.H. House and assigned to the House Election Law Committee. This bill is sponsored by Rep....