How Pro-Voter Fraud Groups and Officials Scam Legal Voters in NC

by Ed Naile Voter Integrity Project Here is how pro-voter fraud groups and officials scam legal voters in NC. Notice how the techniques in various states share similarities. – Corrupted voter rolls. – Local officials stripped. – No prosecution....

Hundreds of Illegal Alien Voters Discovered in Philadelphia

How common is voter fraud, really? There’s no one answer I can give you, because estimates vary widely among studies. When trying to present voter fraud as a non-problem, it’s common for liberals to point solely to documented cases of voter fraud. The oft-cited...

Election Integrity Commission Hearing Testimony

by Ed Naile At the Sept. 12, 2017 Election Integrity Commission hearing held here in NH, several hours of testimony was given to Commission members. One member is Hans von Spakovsky. He wrote about the hearing and what evidence was submitted by experts in the field....

How NH Discriminates Against Legal Voters

by Ed Naile This is how NH discriminates against its own qualified NH citizen voters: Under current unconstitutional “state law” a non-resident voter can give a “domicile address” for voting. His out of state “residence” remains exempt from RSA 91-A. Example: A...

How Does Martha Do It?

by Ed Naile Apparently, the City of Portsmouth has a problem with people renting out apartments through AirBnB. Portsmouth Zoning Law Trouble for AirBnB From the story: “Officials do not track Airbnb rentals specifically, and city attorney Robert Sullivan says he...