Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe: Trump Bent on Voter Suppression

by Ed Naile Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has stated that the Trump election integrity commission just might be bent on committing voter suppression. What Are They Hiding? Democrat State Officials Refuse to Assist President Trump’s Voter Fraud Investigation Is...

Voter Suppression Must Be Harder to Prove Than Voter Fraud

by Ed Naile For almost two decades I have been documenting voter fraud in NH. And along with this effort to show how much voter fraud exists in our state I get the usual complaints from progressives and others who support voter fraud that furthers their cause or...

CNHT Joins Interstate Crosscheck Program

Back in November of 2016 NH joined the Interstate Crosscheck Program which matches the First, Middle Initial, Last Name, Birthdate, and last four digits of the SS# of New Hampshire voters with those of registered voters in the 27 other member states. The NH Secretary...

Current New Hampshire Election Law Legislation 2017

by Ed Naile People are asking me why I am not attending legislative committee hearings in Concord regarding proposed election laws. So, I am going to write a short letter explaining why I am spending my time exposing and documenting NH voter fraud in a different way....