CNHT Has a Better Idea Than SB 47

by Ed Naile A little bird called me early this morning to let me know about an article regarding voter fraud in the Manchester paper. It is a letter to the editor by two attorneys warning everyone about SB 47, a bill to let SoS Bill Gardner, of all people, handle...

Investigating Voter Fraud Investigators III

by Ed Naile On August 26, 2010 the NH AG received a complaint that Megan Jo Searles allegedly voted in both Pembroke and Allenstown in the January 8, 2010 Presidential Primary. But the complaint that triggered this investigation is never identified? No source of the...

Non-Residents Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Vote in NH

“It is way beyond time to close the domicile loophole and go back to a residency voting requirement, something that has always existed in New Hampshire, in order to ensure the integrity of the will of the residents of the state, not college and prep school...

What, No Voter Fraud in Maine?

Documents From Secretary of State’s Office Show No Evidence of Out-of-State Drive-By Voter Fraud ACLU of NH Report of June 11, 2015 I have to thank the ACLU of NH for doing so much homework on voter fraud denial for me. It takes so long to explain this...

Voter Fraud Denial?

by Ed Naile Let’s put the NH Attorney General’s Office on trial for voter fraud-denial. In 2015 the NH Civil Liberties Union sent a legal RSA 91-A Right to Know request to the NH AG asking for all documents regarding vote fraud investigations conducted by the office...

Alternate Facts Emerge on TX Women Sentenced to 8 Yrs

Feb 12, 2017 (Raleigh) — Rosa Maria Ortega’s name made national news, Feb 9, when a Tarrant County, TX. jury found her guilty of vote fraud and (according to a CBS News website) the jury also sentenced her to 8 years in prison. While the New York Times report of the...