Louise Ann Fontaine

Louise Ann Fontaine LOUISE A. FONTAINE was born 20 September 1939 and she lives (or lived) at 9790 66TH ST #250 in PINELLAS PARK, Pinellas County, Florida, U.S.A. Her voter ID number is 106875457. She registered to vote 28 January 1987 and she is registered in the...

Recent Announcement Regarding Voter Fraud

by Ed Naile With the recent announcement by President Trump, regarding his intention to have a nationwide investigation of voter fraud, New Hampshire voters need to know a few extra details about what that will probably entail. Here is what I think. First of all,...

Wonder What He Was Up To In New Hampshire?

by Ed Naile New Hampshire is such a politically active state. We draw people interested in politics from all over. Want proof? How about the four Australian Labor Party activists who came to NH to work on the Bernie Sanders campaign. They were out knocking on doors,...

The Definition of Insanity – New Hampshire Style

by Ed Naile Deep in the bowels of the New Hampshire State Constitution is a word, one single word, that the activist NH State Supreme Court used to try and impose a broad-based tax on its citizens – because the NH Legislature will not do it. God Bless our citizen...

Carl Robert Gibson Gets A Taste of His Own Medicine

Carl Robert Gibson Gets A Taste of His Own Medicine But Who Is Paying All The Legal Bills by Ed Naile Is turnabout fair play? I don’t know but I know a laugh riot when I see one. Here it is: Motion for Preliminary Injunction It seems our old vote thief and candidate...

Drive-By Voter Caught

We caught us a Fly-in Drive-by Voter!! When you are looking for “drive-by” voters this what you want to find: – A guy with a name no one else in America has. – His date of birth from several sources. – Public documents with as much information as you...