Michael LaSean Lewis

by Ed Naile I spent about an hour and a half at Hooksett District Court this morning hoping to meet a new friend, Michael LaSean Lewis. We haven’t met in person yet but I know so much about this vote thief, like his birth date 05/14/73. Being a same day registered...

CNHT Investigates Same-Day Voter

Thanks to the officials in Hooksett for their alertness in the case of Michael Lasean Lewis who voted in Hooksett, NH as a same-day voter on 11/08/2016. Apparently police were made aware that Lewis was rummaging through cars in the parking lot, and upon questioning...

Ukrainians Look to CNHT for Advice on Curtailing Corruption

by Ed Naile In 2015 five Ukrainian visitors traveling to NH through The World Affairs Council spent an hour with CNHT at our office in Concord. The five, along with two interpreters were in NH to learn about grassroots techniques for uncovering municipal corruption....

Documenting Voter Fraud

by Ed Naile All we need in New Hampshire and the United States is a few brave people to come forward and document voter fraud when they see it, like this young lady did: Affidavit of Chelsey Marie Smith – Page 1 Affidavit of Chelsey Marie Smith – Page 2...

Concord Monitor: We Know Nussing!

by Ed Naile The Concord Monitor must be running its editorials past the Clinton campaign, like the rest of the left-wing media, for reporting there is little evidence of voter fraud in NH’s elections. Here is an editorial aimed right at Chris Sununu and his attempt at...

Taxpayers Beware If You See This

She is probably a wonderful woman caught up in a confusing situation – or not. Derry Town Moderator Mary Till has been given a stern letter from Secretary of State Bill Gardner for election law violations. She is a Democrat. I have not looked at all the details in...