Jared Cram Election Official?

by Ed Naile The Public Interest Legal Foundation, representing the American Civil Rights Union, has opened up a can of voter fraud worms in the City of Philadelphia, specifically convicted felon voters voting illegally. Philly is known for letting uniformed Black...

Report on Non-Citizen Voters in VA.

by Ed Naile I spoke to Reagan George of the Virginia Voters Alliance today about the wunderkind college student working for a Soros-funded voter registration non-profit who “on his own” registered 19 deceased people to vote. One happened to be the brother of a sitting...

Virginia’s Dead Voters Speak

by Ed Naile I would imagine, and hope, most people have seen the recent stories about the young college student who re-registered 19 deceased voters in Virginia. He was part of a young Democrats organization. This student’s name is Andrew Spieles. He has admitted he...

Remember When? Primary Polls – How Close Were They?

by Ed Naile Remember the NH Primary Election way back in September? I took a look back recently. WMUR had a poll released on August 30 that measured the candidates for governor. Granite State Poll Here is the opening paragraph: August 30, 2016 TWO WEEKS FROM PRIMARY...

Pick A Pickled Political Peco

by Ed Naile What, Democrats can’t find anyone to run in House District 38? Enter Democrat and NH voter Bianca Acebron Peco of a post office box in Antrim and who is a dual citizen of Spain. Can this get more complicated? She was a campaign manager for Martha Fuller...

Is Gibson Voter Fraud Being Ignored?

by Ed Naile CNHT has been racking and documenting voter fraud since 2000. This case is a prime example of how voter fraud is accepted and ignored by the parties you would normally expect to prosecute and expose it. Carl Robert Gibson is one of many outside activists...