Attacks on O’Keefe Focus of UL Article

Sometimes you trust and rely on the mainstream media and their “journalists” to print the story. But it is never without a slant. Lately, it seems that we live in a bizarro upside-down world where wrong is right, down is up, and bad is good. Witness the...

Amicus Brief Filed in Gibson Case

by Ed Naile CNHT sent a 20-page Amicus Brief to Superior Court April 11, 2016 to inform the judge that Carl Robert Gibson was not a NH citizen and was not playing a prank when impersonating Yvonne-Dean Bailey. The Amicus Brief showed Gibson’s past exploits involving...

Carl Robert Gibson Court Update

by Ed Naile I went to the Merrimack Superior Court hearing on a motion to dismiss and motion to quash, filed by several attorneys, in the open and shut case of vote suppressor, Carl Robert Gibson: – Creating a fake email address one letter off of a candidate’s...

A New Vote Fraudster From the Bernie Sanders 2016 Campaign!?

by Ed Naile And we have a winner – a new scum bag vote fraudster from the Bernie Sanders 2016 Campaign! Thanks to Veritas Action and James O’Keefe we have the name of the, are you ready, “National Director of Something or Other” who picks up Australians at the...

Project Veritas: Hassan Directly Involved in Election Issue

Although the misleading headline of a recent WMUR article entitled “O’Keefe says Project Veritas has recorded Hassan without her knowledge” deceptively suggests that James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas acted illegally, there is nothing illegal...

Update on Project Veritas Subpoena by NH AG

by Ed Naile Update: While delivering a hard drive of the raw footage to Governor Hassan (and on YouTube to the entire world) from all three recent New Hampshire videos, James O’Keefe was served with a Grand Jury subpoena ordering him to surrender the video. “As far as...