Fix It Now, Fix It Right

by Ed Naile I have to let it be known that the recent Project Veritas video you have seen will be followed by at least two more. They are more targeted. This Project Veritas video series will be the second time Project Veritas has come to NH to film voter fraud in...

Help CNHT Identify This Woman

This is the woman who was seen on video giving advice to potential voters at Nashua Ward 4. Please help us identify her. “MANCHESTER — The Attorney General’s Office has launched an investigation into a video that claimed to show how easy it was to skirt...

Voter Fraud Investigation

CNHT is working with Project Veritas to expose just how voter fraud is done in nearly every election in NH. Part One: Who are these workers who seemed to be suggesting ways that out-of-state people can circumvent the law and vote in NH? If the above video does not...

Fox News Reports On Voter Fraud In NH? Do They Know Our History?

by Ed Naile In 2010 The NH AG Investigated a report of double voting in a town election. See if you notice anything strange about this investigation – except it is like other NH voter fraud investigations – not much investigation. Jon R. Deacon Re: Violation of...

The Gears of Justice Grind Slowly

by Ed Naile A not-so-cocky Carl Robert Gibson was in Merrimack Superior court Friday at 9:00 AM for a trial conference of some sort. I know because I was sitting right behind him. This time he had nothing to say or chant to me. His final pre-trial conference will be...

New Hampshire – We Have a Drive-By Voter Problem

by Ed Naile Carl Robert Gibson is an interstate Democrat activist vote thief caught by The Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers. He is awaiting trial on a different matter, a felony Voter Suppression charge regarding his May 2015 fraudulent press release wherein he...