Sign Of The Times

by Ed Naile, Chairman As I drive around my area of NH and see the Obama Economy in action, an idea for a small business evolved in my mind. I’m thinking real estate will be the next big thing. How about this for a killer small business: long lasting “FOR SALE BY...

Carl Robert “Homer” Gibson

by Ed Naile Editor’s note: Carl Robert “Homer” Gibson is the Democrat operative from the Maureen Mann campaign who sent the press a phony “concession” email that purported to be from Rockingham 32 State Rep Candidate (and now State...

Hannah Rivers Revisited for 2015

The case before the NH State Supreme Court May 22, 2015 is about an offensive, to non-resident voters, legislative addition to our NH Election law, RSA 654:7, that informs a registering voter that they must follow all NH statutes when declaring NH their domicile to...

Extra Voting Rights For Non-Residents

by Ed Naile Today I went to the embarrassment that is the NH State Supreme Court today and watched the NH Attorney General’s Office representative, in the most recent incarnation of the “Mobile Domicile” case, stutter and hem and haw his way to its illogical end. This...

Dover Ballot Law Commission Hearing

It seems that what you say to a reporter at Foster’s is totally ignored if it is not what he wants to write about. Foster’s wrote about the hearing twice, but missed the point. We accept limited information from same day voters if the are “given the...

Domiciles and Imbeciles

by Ed Naile A NH Legislator has come up with a brilliant idea to raise money for the government. How about this for a new law? Tax every hotel room in a municipality that adopts this proposed legislation, only occupied ones that is. That new tax to be recorded and...