Join CNHT’s Voter Integrity Project

by Ed Naile Anyone who has a history of working on elections in New Hampshire is aware of how corrupted by out of state, transient voters and special interests our once locally run elections have become. If you, as a NH citizen, would like to help return integrity to...

Illegal Immigrants Caught Voting in NH

by Ed Naile Just Scratching The Surface The Manchester paper has an article about their Freedom of Information request for the names of illegal aliens caught by ICE in NH. ICE gives up names of arrested illegal aliens after repeated requests They list these fine...

What CNHT Has Been Saying for 15 Years

by Ed Naile And here is what CNHT has been saying for 15 years: If you come to New Hampshire from another state to steal our votes you are still liable for the laws in your state of residence/domicile. Case in point: Jared Steven Cram thinks he can vote in...

CNHT Bags Philly Lawyer Jared Cram in Voter Fraud

by Ed Naile Philadelphia resident, long time registered Pa. voter, Pa. attorney and marriage equality activist, Jared S. Cram, voted in NH in 2012 in the General and Primary out of Wilton as well as Ward 58 in Philadelphia where he lives at: Apt. G73, 450 W. Bayberry...

Secretary of State Makes Major Admission

Voter Fraud is Real NH’s SoS apparently thought that voter fraud is real in 2012 as well. Hear him on Girard at Large. htp:// If the above video does not show on your device, use this direct...

What To Do About Voter Fraud

by Ed Naile Because this issue is so relevant I will be doing a series of stories about it – that would be the NH Secretary of State’s “interview” with the Manchester paper. “We have drive-by voting,” New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner said in an interview...