Here First: Caitlin Ann Legacki – Vote Thief

by Ed Naile What is that they say about no voter fraud in NH? Enter political transient vote thief, Caitlin Ann Legacki. Caitlin Ann Legacki has a long voting history in New Hampshire. She registered and voted in NH in 2008 when she was working for Democrat Senator...

CNHT Exclusive

by Ed Naile Geoff Wetrosky – The Voter Fraud Gift That Keeps On Giving As we review what little documentation a citizen can get in NH we have found our old pal, Geoff Wetrosky, voting from the infamous voter fraud nest at 1200 Elm St. in Manchester, NH. It was in 2005...

Another Prosecution of Voter Fraud

Milford man, mom fined over illegal voting CONCORD — A Milford man and his mother agreed to pay a $1,250 fine as part of a settlement into allegations he voted twice during the 2012 general election, according to a release from the state Attorney General’s Office....

Hilltop in NH = Dark Money?

by Ed Naile has done a lot of work regarding the Democrat dark money factory known as Hilltop Public Solutions. Here is a short article that shows how they hide from public view. Shape-Shifting by Liberal Dark Money New Hampshire voters are slowly...

Meet “Pajama Boy” Greg Wasserstrom

by Ed Naile We have a “Pajama Boy” to introduce to New Hampshire. Step up to the plate Greg Wasserstrom of Hilltop Public Solutions Inc, or whatever name they are hiding behind today. Here is Greg’s bio from their site: Greg Wasserstrom leads the Hilltop Public...

One Voter Can Make a Difference

by Ed Naile Welcome To Ward # 4 In Dover NH One of the attendees, Dave Scott, at my voter fraud workshop in Rye last week has put pen to paper – trail. Atta boy Dave! He sent first class letters to Ward #4 voters from the November 6, 2012 Presidential Election and a...