Sarah Austino Votes for YOU!

Meet Sarah N. Austino – Organizing for America/Acorn/Action, New Hampshire voter. Oh she has the standard pattern of history as most vote thieves who campaign in NH and take the time to vote from some single family residence. Check out her LinkedIn page: Sarah Austino...

Monkey See Monkey Doo Doo

by Ed Naile The more you know about voter fraud in NH the more the smell dead fish comes to mind. Remember that “exoneration” of the clearly out-of-state campaign workers who from 2008 – 2012 were registered at NH State Senator Martha Fuller Clark’s voter fraud...

NH Democrats Jamming the Phones in Colorado

Did you hear that the Manchester Paper has a story about NH State senator Jeb Bradley’s son voting in Colorado where went to college – and by absentee here in NH? Well I did. And I was thinking, how did the “investigative journalist” at the Manchester Paper get...

“Establishing A Presence” Is Not A Legal Term

by Ed Naile Free Lesson on Voter Fraud – From Wisconsin 2012 The news article below has the names and offenses of prosecuted cases of voter fraud. Prosecutors Charge 10 With Voter Fraud In Wisconsin the authorities in Milwaukee County prosecute voter fraud when they...