Black’s Law Dictionary and Domicile

by Ed Naile In the New Hampshire Constitution the word ‘domicile’ is used to establish voting rights. Just the word domicile is used, no other description is needed. Domicile is a word that in law means, one’s legal residence, or legal place of...

How Your Name is Used to Vote

A Democrat operative was caught on tape giving advice to a voter on how to use names of people who do not, or might not, vote. This is how it’s often done in NH. Maybe when they poll and ask if you will vote, you should say yes no matter. If the above video does...

Bill Watch 2013

Watch the legislative updates category for news and views on upcoming bills for each term. In 2013 Democrats proposed, among other things: Repealing Voter ID Laws Repealing Education Credits Reversing Home Schooling Freedoms Instituting an Income Tax Removing Second...

Hollis-Brookline Community Learns Important Civics Lesson

Secretary of State nixes voter registration effort as against the law (Submitted by Hollis residents Tuesday October 23) Today (October 22), it was disclosed on the Hollis-Brookline High School’s website in the daily announcements section that there were plans to...

UN to Oversee 44 Locations During US Elections

Well it’s finally happened… The United Nations was called in by the NAACP to monitor 44 locations in the USA who recently passed new voter ID laws. Their job is to “spot human rights violations”. Interestingly, where were they when the Black...

Apparently NH is Not the Only One

Since we have been collecting evidence of voter fraud, we have written about the many instances of evidence that people voted from non-existent addresses. Apparently NH is not the only victim of this kind of voter fraud. If the above video does not appear on your...