Heads Up, NH Voters

by Ed Naile I received my OBJECTION TO MOTION TO INTERVENE today in my humble mailbox here on the dead end road. And guess who is objecting to my simple, factual, citizen produced, constitutional right to intervene in a court case allowing non-residents to vote in my...

CNHT Files Motion to Intervene on Voter ID Judgement

by Ed Naile NH Secretary of State Bill Gardner says that the court ruling was based on a likely misinterpretation of the requirements of the new voter ID law. Gardner says he’s troubled by the prospect of adding to his website the section saying college students don’t...

New NH Voter ID Law Makes Trial Run

by Ed Naile Most say voting went smoothly Around 7:20 in this video [since removed], the group ‘Democracy Now’ is reporting that people were turned away from the polls because of not having sufficient Voter ID in NH on September 11, 2012. [Article and...

Rock, Paper, Hand Grenades II with Ed Naile

This is the May 16, 2012 Episode 42 of Rep Gary Hopper’s “Rock, Paper, Hand Grenades” with Ed Naile, Chair of CNHT If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct...

Ed Naile Speaks on Voter Fraud

From May 17 2012, Ed Naile, Chair speaking to the Nashua Republican Committee about how voter fraud is committed in NH, regularly. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct...

Words Mean Some Things

by Ed Naile We are watching with great anticipation, today’s hearing in Hillsborough North, in regards to Manchester v. Gardner, the redistricting case, or should I say cases, inevitable after each redistricting plan is submitted. Read it for yourself: Gardner...