Freedom Of The Press: To Cover Up

by Ed Naile Let’s put a lid on this ugly voter fraud rumor. How about some fantasy stories about how NH investigates voter fraud diligently. Oh, here is the latest: Small percentage of new NH voters didn’t show right ID “Only 352 of the 126,063 first-time...

Would the REAL NH Voter Please Stand Up

by Ed Naile Have you seen the Project Veritas video yet? Have you watched how the investigative journalists working with James O’Keefe, NH residents all, asked if a name was on the checklist? Notice how the ballot clerks look down, state the name and address on...

With Voter Fraud, Truth Is Always The First Victim

by Ed Naile You all have seen the video of a Philadelphia Black Panther strutting around in front of a polling place with a police baton, right? If not, you are pretty much a novice at how, in reality, elections in America are conducted. You have to believe your lying...

Thank You Al Sharpton – Keep Voter Fraud Alive In The News

by Ed Naile Help comes from the strangest places: Nashua City Clerk Paul Bergeron, Lying About Voter Fraud in NH on Al Sharpton’s Show Nashua City Clerk Paul Bergeron, explaining why O’Keefe was committing fraud by exposing it: “Yes, you don`t prove...

Voter Fraud Deniers DO Exist

by Ed Naile There is an old Chinese saying that goes like this: “If you wait by the river long enough, the body of your enemy floats by.” For twelve years the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers has collected examples of voter fraud, even though we quickly found out...

NH Plagued With Voter Fraud – O’Keefe Exposes It

by Ed Naile And the Governor is still claiming it does not exist… In typical liberal double-speak, Little Green Footballs website, as well some people quoted in the Union Leader – Polls video slammed as a ‘fraud’ are trying to claim that James...