MADD as Hell

by Ed Naile Here is a story about how New Hampshire protects their beloved non-resident voters so we can fake the rest of the country into believing our elections mean something. (Did I predict it?) Enter the League of Left Wing Women Voters who are now exposed by...

Voter Fraud in NH – How It’s Done

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link: The Herald had yet another story, this time it was real. [Excerpt from archived article] Would-be dead man voter stopped at polls By Joe Battenfeld Tuesday, January 10, 2012 – Updated 3...

Push to Abolish Electoral College

It’s called the National Popular Vote and some states have passed resolutions supporting it. NH legislators have put forth resolutions toward this end as well. 2012-H-2221-R relative to electoral college elections. HB Sponsors: (Prime) Weed, Charles –...

Voter ID Veto Must Be Overridden

Sometime in the week or so, the NH Senate will be taking up the issue of overriding Gov Lynch’s veto of SB 129 SB 129 would require NH voters to provide a photo ID when checking in, proving who they are, before they vote. CNHT has an archive of scores of...

Lynch Vetoes to be Addressed

Over the summer, Governor Lynch vetoed a number of common-sense pieces of legislation that were passed by overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate. Some of these include… HB 542 – This bill requires school districts to adopt a policy allowing an exception...