Preventing Voter Fraud (HB 176)

HB 176 is a bill that changes the definition of domicile as it applies to eligibility to vote and to hold certain offices. If you browse our section on Election Integrity, you can find many examples of double voting, out of state voting, and other anomalies that have...

Warning: Lynch Will VETO Voter ID

Let’s make sure Mr. Nice-Guy finishes last by Ed Naile A vote for Governor Lynch is a vote for one absolute: Lynch will veto Voter I.D. every time it hits his desk. He vetoed Voter I.D once all ready. So if you are sick of voter fraud like I am, and I catch...

Don’t Be Fooled by Bogus Signs!

As reported by Granite Grok, Senator Maggie Hassan’s minions are going around counterfeiting her opponents signs and adding lies to them… Likewise in Manchester, dishonest Ray Buckley and his minions are doing the same thing with John Stephen –...

Examples of Voter Fraud

Update: The NH SOS has issued a Voter Fraud Alert 2010. There has been much ado about the voting machine irregularities that are already showing up in North Carolina, Texas, and Nevada where ‘early’ voting is going on for the November 2, 2010 elections....

Take Back NH – One Checklist at a Time

by Ed Naile Of all the places to present a Voter Fraud in New Hampshire workshop I was at Murphy’s Tap Room in Manchester on March 24, 2010. Twenty five to thirty people showed up and it was a very animated crowd, even the girl working the bar. Crowd, did I say crowd?...

Targeting Gun Owners

The Democrat Face Of Voter Fraud by Ed Naile I Googled him: Our old vote and political sign stealing low life pal, Geoff Wetrosky, has found a more permanent place to live than in the Sullivan flophouse on Mammoth Rd. in Manchester! Geoff is currently working for the...