Grafton Treasurer Gets Fourth Chance

by Ed Naile In two years that she’s been Grafton County treasurer, Montana resident and student Vanessa Sievers of has been raising the ire of her fellow board members by missing meetings and failing to do the job for which she was elected. Once again she has...

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Wisconsin and the Voter Fraud Agenda Democrats are pushing to weaken ballot security at the state and national level. Have they forgotten the 2000 election? by John Fund Milwaukee An attempt to hijack the state’s election laws and open the door for voter fraud...

Resignation Requested of Teeny-Bopper Grafton County Treasurer

by Ed Naile Treasurer for Grafton County, Vanessa Sievers, was asked to resign by vote of the Executive Committee meeting on Monday, April 19th, 2010 (of which Sievers missed). CNHT had questioned the residency requirement of Sievers, who is a college student and also...

Voter ID (HB 626)

Update: There will be subcommittee work session on this bill on March 2, 2010 at 2:30 PM in LOB Room 202. On January 6, 2010, a vote on the House floor will be taken on HB 626, which would require that a voter present a valid photo identification to vote in person....

Voters Must Do Their Duty!

We at CNHT cannot hammer away enough on the importance of attending your town and school deliberative sessions and subsequent March 9 ballot votes on warrant articles this spring, and every spring. In NH, it is here, locally, that counts the most when it comes to...

Voter Fraud (HB 1329)

A full vote of the House will be taken on February 3, 2010 on HB 1329 which would establish a committee to study voter fraud. Please contact your Legislators and ask they SUPPORT this bill.