Referendums and Voter Fraud (CACR 25 and HB 1329)

CACR 25 would allow the voters to veto laws by referendum. HB 1329 would establish a committee to study voter fraud. The House Election Law Committee will hear CACR 25 at 10:00 AM and HB 1329 at 10:30 AM in LOB Room 308 on January 21, 2010. Please contact the...

A Privilege is a Right if You Can Steal It

by Ed Naile Good old Civil Rights Day – Oh wait, its MLK Day now. The more we brag about equality – the more it stays the same, some of us are just plain better than others. Case in point: Doesn’t the phrase “civil rights” mean that no group, race, color, religion, or...

Grafton County Taxpayers See RED as History Repeats Itself

How many Grafton County taxpayers rushed to get all of their year’s taxes in on a timely basis? Answer: 12 Million Dollars worth. How much interest do we lose when 12 Million Dollars is NOT invested for one month? Answer: $20,000 Dollars @ 2%. How much of that...

Ed Naile at Seacoast Women on Voter Fraud

Ed Naile spoke to the Seacoast Women’s Republican Committee on January 13, 2010. The subject of his talk was voter fraud in NH… A blog called Blue Hampshire who noticed this speech, stated in THIS POST [site has since been taken down] the blatant lie that...

General Noise Restriction?

by Ed Naile I wonder, was it vocal noise? Was she racing her Volvo engine or practicing duck calling? Could it be flatulence? In any case, inquiring minds want to know. Why was Madeline Scheck, 21, of 15 Wood Brook Lane, Croton-on-Hudson, New York arrested on October...