Student Elected to Local Office – How’s That Working?

If there is any danger to allowing out-of-state college students to vote, a bigger one is allowing them to run for local offices about which they have no knowledge or interest. One such incidence of this happened last November when Vanessa Sievers, a resident from Big...

Bill to allow anyone to vote as “student” (HB 614)

February 2009 HB 614 is another bill that would damage the integrity of our elections. Along with the weakening of the ability to challenge voter registrations with HB 276, this would again put in place a policy that might make it easier for improper voting in the...

Means for Stopping Voter Fraud Obstructed (HB 266)

According to one of our directors who analyzed this bill, HB 266 would eliminate the ability of citizens to challenge prospective voters while attempting to register at the polls during Election Day. The individual can be challenged only after the fact, when the...

Did You Vote for This?

Seacoast Online Commission working on public financing program By Associated Press December 01, 2008 8:30 AM CONCORD — A commission studying public financing of New Hampshire campaigns is working on a pilot program for state Senate seats. If approved, the program...

Recount Madness

Hon. Jason Bedrick, Windham comments: What the reporter failed to mention was that the errors in Windham were known election night by Windham officials. Apparently, at today’s recount, Democrat Carolyn Webber (who defeated Marilinda Garcia by 151 votes) told...

Voter Fraud Across the Nation

This post was from November 16, 2008 and has been updated on November 21, 2017 with a newer article from November 2011 where probable cause was found. CNHT has discovered that some dual-residents have abused the system and many have been found to have voted twice in...