Another Fraudster Caught on Video

Project Veritas has released undercover footage which shows how a New York resident voted twice in the 2018 general elections in two different states. The undercover report includes an admission of double-voting from the New York man, as well as confirmed of voter...

CNHT’s Response to NH ACLU Election Lawsuit

Yesterday, CNHT filed an “ANSWER TO PLAINTIFF’S OBJECTION TO INTERVENE” in US DISTRICT COURT for the DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE in regards to Case No.: 1:9-cv-00149-JL. This is the case the NH ACLU filed on behalf of two Dartmouth College students, one...

If Your Name is on the List, Will it Be Used?

In NH, we have had several instances where residents, after arriving at the polls, found their names had already been checked off, as if they had already voted. Seems that this happens a lot more than is realized. The people in this video are adamant about not having...

Casey v. Gardner

Young, foolish, Dartmouth student aptly describes how the NH ACLU tricked her into becoming a plaintiff in their case against qualified NH voters. Maggie feels getting a NH driver’s license is a poll tax: “Under this law, I have to pay to change my California...

Voter Fraud Example

by Ed Naile A county prosecutor in Florida just caught an illegal voter. The news articles about it serve as an example of how the press sells the story of the person involved and voter fraud in general. There is a pattern. Here is the headline from the local papers:...

Missing Part of Spencer McKinnon Story

by Ed Naile The New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office bagged 21-year-old Spencer McKinnon for voting absentee in Massachusetts and in person here in NH during the 2016 General Election. As usual the conviction is a glass half full. I have yet to get my hands on the...