Open Letter to Rep Steven Smith (R-Charlestown)

Dear Rep. Smith (R-Charlestown) Many NH voters are appalled at the creation of this new committee mentioned in this article. Affordable housing issue front and center ahead of NH House session...

How Much Power Do Regional Planning Commissions Actually Have?

Background: Regionalism is a form of government promoted by the United Nations. NH’s Regional Planning Commissions are unelected bureaucrats that claim they have no power and yet are given the right to make these kinds of drastic changes… InvestNH Housing...

Why Support CACR 16

CACR16 is a Local Control Amendment Hearing is February 13, 2024 at 2:15 PM in the Legislative Office Building, Rooms 301-303. Recent state land use initiatives have circumvented Zoning and Planning Boards’ authority and local considerations in favor of developers. In...

Quasi-Governmental Groups and Ethics

The NH Advantage is under attack. Sadly your own tax dollars are being used against you. Regional planning groups, state-created “commissions” (basically taxpayer-funded lobbyists created by Governors when they can’t get their bills passed normally)...

The End of Single-Family Zoning

This pamphlet defines the issue and the problems with the attack on single-family zoning. The note to journalists would be well-heeded by us all. “A note to journalists If you are writing or speaking about single-family zoning, please take care to use...