NH LISTENS (PR Firm) Now Invading Town Meetings

As predicted would happen, one of the PR firms that is being used by the Regional Planning Commissions to shape the debate and guarantee the outcome for the benefit of the American Planning Association’s implementation of the federal HUD/EPA/DOT’s...

Rochester Citizens Speak out Against Agenda 21

Rochester city council heard the citizens who tried to enlighten them about what these regional planning boards are attempting to do. They were well prepared and knew more than the city council did. Part I If the above video does not appear on your device, use this...

Agenda 21 in NH

Rosa Koire’s excellent exposé of the UN’s Agenda 21 as it is being implemented by ICLEI, regional planners, in the form of a program called “Granite State Futures” and paid for with EPA/HUD/DOT grants. Part I of V If the above video does not...

Why Town Shouldn’t Have Approved SCI (Windham NH)

Why Town Shouldn’t Have Approved SCI by Ken Eyring, Windham NH “On June 4, the Windham Board of Selectmen approved Windham’s participation in a $100M Federal Planning Program that is designed to ultimately produce a Land Use and Resource Planning document...

ALERT! Rochester Hearing June 5th on HUD Grant

The Rochester City Council’s meeting agenda for this evening, 5 June, lists as Item #6 “Public Input Relative To Sustainable Communities Letter Authorization”; and as Item #12 “Sustainable Cities Agreement”. We are asking for citizens to...

What You Should Know About Regional Planning

As you know HB 1403, a bill to investigate the agenda and content of the IB program, was not successful in the NH Senate. However, it will be back since the House of Representatives understands that this IB program is merely ‘education for Agenda 21’ which...