Why Town Shouldn’t Have Approved SCI (Windham NH)

Why Town Shouldn’t Have Approved SCI by Ken Eyring, Windham NH “On June 4, the Windham Board of Selectmen approved Windham’s participation in a $100M Federal Planning Program that is designed to ultimately produce a Land Use and Resource Planning document...

ALERT! Rochester Hearing June 5th on HUD Grant

The Rochester City Council’s meeting agenda for this evening, 5 June, lists as Item #6 “Public Input Relative To Sustainable Communities Letter Authorization”; and as Item #12 “Sustainable Cities Agreement”. We are asking for citizens to...

What You Should Know About Regional Planning

As you know HB 1403, a bill to investigate the agenda and content of the IB program, was not successful in the NH Senate. However, it will be back since the House of Representatives understands that this IB program is merely ‘education for Agenda 21’ which...

Planners Hire Group to Delphi Residents

Planners deny connection to UN Agenda 21 for “Sustainability” but US Government documents say otherwise. It is no secret that the attempt to implement the UN’s Agenda 21 “sustainability” plan through backdoor, unelected “regional...

ICLEI in Nashua

Did you know that Nashua is an ICLEI city? Did you know that ICLEI is a “Local Governments for sustainable development” program, in the model of UN Agenda21? “ICLEI is an international association of local governments as well as national and regional...

Hire Consultants Until They Say What You Want, On The Public’s Dime

by Ed Naile CNHT has been working with the group in Rochester which has taken on the comprehensive re-zoning committee appointed almost a decade ago. As with many land regulation oriented public bodies, they seem to have come up with a plan for future uses of private...