Hearing Dates Feb 10

BILL WATCH FILE 2025 [PDF] [Updated on 2/07/2025] Look Up a Bill: https://gc.nh.gov/bill_Status/quickSearch.aspx House Testimony Portal: https://gc.nh.gov/house/committees/remotetestimony/ Senate Testimony Portal: https://gc.nh.gov/remotecommittee/senate.aspx House...

Full Vote Feb 6

According to Josiah Bartlett’s Drew Cline, there is a bill of great concern that will go up for a full HOUSE vote TOMORROW February 6. We could not find this scheduled vote ANYWHERE on the state’s pages! And we received NO ALERT for this bill. HB 399 is...

Hearing Dates Feb 3

Look Up the Bill: Find the Bill House Testimony Portal: Submit Testimony Senate Testimony Portal: Submit Testimony House Committee Addresses: House Committees Senate Committee Addresses: Senate Committees Full House Addresses:House Addresses (Excel) Full Senate...

Open Letter to Rep Steven Smith (R-Charlestown)

Dear Rep. Smith (R-Charlestown) Many NH voters are appalled at the creation of this new committee mentioned in this article. Affordable housing issue front and center ahead of NH House session...

Taking the Pledge

Pledges from new candidates are rolling in! Here is Elizabeth Keenan, candidate for State Representative in Hillsborough District 43 showing off hers.

How Much Power Do Regional Planning Commissions Actually Have?

Background: Regionalism is a form of government promoted by the United Nations. NH’s Regional Planning Commissions are unelected bureaucrats that claim they have no power and yet are given the right to make these kinds of drastic changes… InvestNH Housing...