Governor Sununu Do You Hear Us?

The Governor has so far been ignoring our pleas and hundreds of petitions to VETO SB 241, the commuter rail boondoggle bill which passed both Houses along party lines. Despite misleading reports citing a million people want MBTA commuter rail extended to Concord, the...

There are Bills, Then There are “Stealth” Bills

Some of our local taxpayer groups have been keeping track of bills that would affect local government, and in particular, the taxes and property rights of the owners of single family homes. A compilation of what they recommend to be vetoed as well as bills hidden...

Tell the House: NO on SB 241

Word has it (not posted yet on bill status page) that the House Public Works and Highways Committee has ‘recommended’ that SB 241 (the Commuter Rail Boondoggle for “project development, analysis, and funding”) “Ought to Pass”. The...

Quote of the Day: Commuter Rail

This quote is taken straight from NHPR, a site that continually supports commuter rail. The comment that follows is the most succinct explanation of why extending the MBTA to Concord would be unsustainable. “82,000 people travel from New Hampshire to...

NH Must Say “NO” to Commuter Rail

by Jane Aitken for the Bedford Residents Association You may have seen this recent Union Leader article that touts a recent St. Anselm’s ‘survey’ regarding commuter rail for NH. It is claimed that “75.5% of residents surveyed” support the...

Tell the NH Senate: Take SB 306 Out of the Budget!

Every NH municipality and the voters that direct them should be concerned. When John Lynch was governor, he created a commission to address a phony “water crisis”. Now, some are using a manufactured “housing crisis” to promote the proliferation...