Advisory #3 Reasons To Vote – Tuesday March 12 Voting See this PDF file discussing the Reserve Fund warrants from the School District that will impact your schools and your town. Voting is March 12, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM. Absentee ballots are available through...
Advisory #2 See the following PDF file discussing one of the warrants from the School District that will impact your schools and your town. This is the Citizen-Petition Ice Hockey Warrant Article. Voting is March 12, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM. Absentee ballots are...
Advisory #1 from Newton-Kingston Taxpayers Voting is March 12, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM. Absentee ballots are available through town hall. NKTA has worked to restrain tax growth over the past 5 years. The rate of increase is lessened, and much more needs to be done....
Sunshine Week Panel March 11, 2019 MANCHESTER — In recognition of Sunshine Week, a national initiative to promote open government, the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications and New England First Amendment Coalition will present a discussion concerning the key...
“David Saad, president of Right to Know NH, was awarded the Antonia Orfield Citizenship Award by the New England First Amendment Coalition last week. The NEFAC recognized David Saad for his work with RTKNH:” “In 2013, David Saad and several other...
Voter suppression is now whatever loser candidate Stacy Abrams of Georgia blurts out. “Here’s the thing about voter suppression: Voter suppression is legal in the United States right now,” Abrams said Friday to a crowd of Democrats in Washington, D.C. “We’re used to...