HCR 8 Laid on Table

HCR 8, a call for a constitutional convention was laid on table by a wide margin. (247-99) We will still need to make sure HCR 9 passes in the house. Legislators need to be aware of what is going on with the COS lobby. Read about the flood of fake emails they have...

Testimony in Favor of CACR 16

CACR 16, gives municipalities sole authority to establish zoning and land use policies. Briefly, the amendment provides that municipalities determine the policies for projects they’re willing to consider. Should a developer seek a waiver to those policies, the voters...

HCR 8 Gets “OTP” From House Committee

The HOUSE STATE-FEDERAL RELATIONS AND VETERANS AFFAIRS COMMITTEE assigned an “OTP” (Ought To Pass) recommendation to the bill that would call for an Article V Constitutional Convention by a vote of 15-5. UPDATE: The full House of Reps voted on HCR 8 and it...

Why Support CACR 16

CACR16 is a Local Control Amendment Hearing is February 13, 2024 at 2:15 PM in the Legislative Office Building, Rooms 301-303. Recent state land use initiatives have circumvented Zoning and Planning Boards’ authority and local considerations in favor of developers. In...

Why We MUST NOT Support HCR 8

HCR 8 is asking for an Article V Convention which we oppose. 1. Our Declaration of Independence is part of the “Organic Law” of our Land; and recognizes that a people have the right to throw off their government and set up a new one. James Madison, who was...