Analysis of HB 1399 – Local Control is stripped from municipalities with a statewide, one-size-fits-all mandate. – Unfunded mandates, forces municipalities to upgrade water and sewer systems. – The character of neighborhoods will be gradually and...
File this one under the “Next Boondoggle”. Imagine the bureaucracies that would be created if this is allowed to go forward? New Hampshire is “planning” for EVs. Well, at least the planning is not being done by anyone YOU ACTUALLY ELECTED to...
This op-ed appeared in the Union Leader on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Len Turcotte: Accessory Dwelling Unit is a deceptive term for ‘rental unit’ LESS THAN a century ago, an individual who possessed a “cult of personality” rose to power and attempted to...
Some elements in our state are trying to force longtime-established single-family zoned neighborhoods into multi-family neighborhoods. Their goal is to eradicate the suburbs and morph towns into cities. We urge the NH Senate to reject HB 1291 on the following basis:...
HB 1399 is being heard by the Senate Commerce Committee. Contact the committee to ask them to ITL.,,,,,...