Coalition of NH Taxpayers 1 Hardy Rd. PMB 366 Bedford, NH 03110 Contact: Phone: 603.471.0138 For Immediate Release: Coalition of NH Taxpayers Statement on Passage of “Strong Towns” Bills Currently in Senate Concord, NH – On March 28, 2024 the...
If 30% of the residential units in your neighborhood were suddenly transformed into low-cost units, what would that do to the neighborhood? To the parks? To the schools? To the crime rate? To the quality of life? But Johnson is just getting started. This specific...
We’ve all heard the stories — someone breaks into a home while the owner is away and then claims they have the right to live there. They may even produce documents that show they signed a lease and paid rent. Turns out not all squatters are simple...
This is an open letter to the 67 Republicans who voted with 152 Democrats to pass bills in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on March 28, 2024. Did you realize what you were voting for? California has outlawed single-family neighborhoods and...
NH House Republican Joe Alexander is proud of his SHAM corrupt “Special Committee on Housing” which is a vehicle made up of sponsors of the very bills they wrote. This was done in order to pass bills that otherwise would get a more fair hearing in the...
California and a few other states have already ended single-family zoning statewide. And that includes neighborhoods that were ALREADY single-family, when people bought into them… Email immediately and tell ALL Senators to VOTE NO on HB 1291, HB 1399, HB 1361...